Selasa, 27 April 2010

Geleri Maulid Mahasiswa Nagan Raya

The Oceans

"Oceans", claim the film director Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud, is mahateater marine ecology. His stage is the ocean. Actors are the inhabitants of the sea with all its amazing beauty and tragedy.

French film co-production of the United States, which is distributed by Disneynature this form of eco-documentary movie is packed with edutainment style, educative and entertaining spectacle, which can be enjoyed by the whole family. There is such a simple plot with the figure of a boy who escorted us to the stage of the ocean. We can then jaunt to the ocean on all sides, ranging from the beach, the sea surface, following up the ocean floor creatures living in it.

Ocean is a spectacular theater. He seized 70 percent of the planet Earth. Underwater camera technology invites us to wander to the "savanna" in the bottom of the ocean with adugong, similar animals that graze on the savanna elephants seabed. Or infiltrate into the wilderness of the sea grass and coral, where we meet fascinating creatures that are rarely touched by the eye.

And they are real creatures not figure version of the computer generated image (CGI) computer artificial creature aka "imitation" is often proffered in recent fiction. This is one of the advantages Oceans as a movie, which is held out-and-awaken us to the fantastic natural scenery, rather than computer engineering.

Kemahaluasan ocean creatures as the stage of life with all its natural laws. Bongsor bodied sea lion is powerless swallowed alive by a shark. Seagull Birds fly feasted with dip, dropping sea to peck small fish meal.

On the other hand, most gentle creatures have a way to protect themselves from predators. There is a sea dragon (dragon sea) using a fin as a sort of camouflage blankets to make it look like seaweed. Thus, the prey could not even see it.

Affairs of the underwater paradise that turned into a massacre when the field hands of human greed looting the contents of the sea. Scenery may be called a tragedy that was thrust, which is about hunting shark fins taken only for consumption at the dinner table. Sharks caught, cut fins and tails. He was then thrown back into the sea in a crippled condition, giddy, helpless no longer able to swim and eventually dying at the bottom of the ocean that gave birth.

Also a tragedy that so mighty whale was limp helpless in a trap and spear hunters. Then the fish that swim in a sea of plastic waste and marine pollution.

Spectacular pictures in the Oceans hunted for four years in various corners of the world, from the north pole to the sea in the tropics. The movie cost 50 million euros, or around Rp 500 billion was released simultaneously in the United States, Canada, and Indonesia on 22 April as a sort of

"Gift" for Earth Day.
Viewers presented with facts about the ocean in the hope they will recognize, understand, love, and care for life. The message was clearly conveyed through images and narratives. Narration delivered in various languages. For English, actor Pierce Brosnan to act as narrator. Whereas in French, the narrative presented by the puppet masters, namely Jacques Perrin. Narrative is not fussy or nosy talk like infotainment, but gives the frame. Furthermore, the picture is more than talk.

People of the boy who drove us into the underwater paradise at the beginning of the film we are also aware that the inhabitants of the sea that will only later become the inhabitants of the museum if the passions of human greed allowed to plunder the wealth of the sea. In one scene, amazing creatures residents had lined up as a museum. This film does not end as a threat, but invites us to get together to keep the sea as the mother of life.

The narrator's message across the sea. "When the big wave comes, we can take refuge together, why can not we treat the sea together." A sympathetic propaganda because propaganda is not political.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Maulid Akbar Mahasiswa Nagan Raya

Undangan Resmi
di tempat


Panitia pelaksana Maulid Akbar Ikatan Pelajar, Pemuda, Mahasiswa Se-Nagan Raya (IPPELMASDA) dan Ikatan Kekeluargaan Masyarakat Nagan Raya (IKNR) mengundang bapak/ibu/saudara(i)untuk dapat hadir pada,
hari/tanggal : Minggu, 18 April 2010
pukul : 09.00 s.d. selesai.
tempat : Asrama Putra Mahasiswa Nagan Raya, Jl. Seroja, gampong Ie Masen Kaye Adang.
agenda : 1. Ceramah Mulid
2. Zikir (meudike)
3. Khanduri Moled Idang ala Nagan Raya dan;
4. Silaturrahmi
Demikianlah undangan ini kami sampaikan. Atas kehadiran bapak/ibu/saudara(i) kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Koord. utama : Said
koord. Pubdok : Wirduna